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Brad Shafer
Councilmember – Peoria City Council

“I am pleased to announce my endorsement of Matt Bullock for Peoria City Council – Mesquite District. Matt has proven leadership skills from his experience as previous president of the Peoria School District Governing Board, and proven business skills, creating over 300 jobs. He has volunteered for 10 years with the Boy Scouts of America and helped to grow our Peoria Career and Technical Education programs. Matt has lived in Peoria for 23 years and understands where Peoria has been and where it should go. Matt believes in government transparency, fiscal responsibility and talking to all stakeholders, which will help solve some of the current challenges that face Peoria today, and in the future. I am confident Matt will be a strong voice for the people in the Mesquite District and feel very comfortable with my choice to endorse Matt and his campaign. I ask you to join me in voting for Matt Bullock.”

  •  US AirForce Veteran
Art Miller
Peoria Chief of Police 2018-2023, retired

“When looking at our local elections, I wanted to endorse a candidate who had proven experience supporting public safety.  Matt Bullock, as the former president of the Peoria school board, allocated funding for two new Student Resource Officers (SRO’s) and also put together an annual Police honoree night at a Peoria school board meeting to award and honor Police officers who enhanced education and safety in the Peoria school district.  Matt also worked to organize the annual career day for first responders to talk with high school students about a career in public safety.  Matt truly supports police and fire and will continue to do so as a member of the Peoria city council.  I also appreciate that Matt is a small business owner and has lived in Peoria for 23 years and understands what most Peoria residents want our city to look and feel like into the future.  My wife and I are voting for Matt Bullock – I hope you will join us and vote for Matt as well.  Thank you.”

Todd Menard
COO – West USA Realty

“I have never endorsed a candidate before, but this time is different.  The future of our great city is too important not to take a stand.  I like that Matt Bullock has been a small business owner most of his life and served on the Peoria school board.  He understands how great schools and smart economic development will only enhance our home values and quality of life in Peoria.  Matt understands that small businesses are the lifeblood of Peoria and contribute to our growth and enjoyment.  I believe that Matt will be the kind of leader who actually listens to all interested groups, which will help to ensure Peoria is well represented and well-balanced on the city council.  I encourage those who know me to support and vote for Matt Bullock for the Peoria city council.  Thank you for your time.”

Dr. Denton Santarelli
Former Superintendent – Peoria Unified School District

“Matt served as president of the Peoria unified school district governing board while I was superintendent.  Matt brought his business and finance skills, coupled with level-headed leadership to help keep the school district moving in the correct direction.  Even with tough decisions and a split board, Matt was able to build a consensus and work with all stakeholders for the betterment of the district.  Matt toured the schools regularly to learn as much as he could to be a better board member, and worked with myself and our staff to launch the Peoria MET Professional Academy in our district.  Without a doubt, I know Matt will make an excellent City Council member.  I ask you to support Matt Bullock with your vote.  Thank you.”

  • Arizona Superintendent of the year
  • National Superintendent of the year runner-up
Becky Proudfit
President, Peoria unified school district governing board

“I have known Matt Bullock for many years, and I have been consistently impressed with his integrity even when faced with opposition. Matt keeps a smile on his face and is always willing to listen to, learn from and to help others.  As a leader he has repeatedly demonstrated his commitment for choosing the right and for looking at the long-term effects of his decisions on both organizations and people. Matt has great business skills in both the private and public sector and as a fiscal conservative saved Peoria school district money during his time as board President.  As a long time Peoria resident and involved community member Matt is equipped to help guide the responsible growth of Peoria while honoring the Peoria we have all chosen to be our home.  We feel confident and honored to cast our vote for an outstanding and proven leader in our community this Election Day by wholeheartedly supporting Matt Bullock for city council.”

WeSERV – West & Southesat Realtors of the Valley

I am pleased and honored to present the newest endorsement for my Peoria City Council campaign. WeSERV is the largest Realtor organization in the north valley. I went through an interview process and was chosen as the candidate most aligned with protecting and increasing home values, aligning housing and smart economic development and protecting the rights of homeowners. Having this endorsement will help me grow as a candidate and as a Council member to best represent the interests of Mesquite district residents. Thank you.